Veronica stricta



Hebe stricta

The original form of Hebe, an attractive small tree with thin pointed leaves and long, white, bottle brush flowers. Found naturally all over Aotearoa and is a favourite for revegetation projects as it is a fast grower.

Attracts bees, prefers full sun and free draining soil. Is frost tender.

2m x 2m


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Hebe stricta

The original form of Hebe, an attractive small tree with thin pointed leaves and long, white, bottle brush flowers. Found naturally all over Aotearoa and is a favourite for revegetation projects as it is a fast grower.

Attracts bees, prefers full sun and free draining soil. Is frost tender.

2m x 2m



Hebe stricta

The original form of Hebe, an attractive small tree with thin pointed leaves and long, white, bottle brush flowers. Found naturally all over Aotearoa and is a favourite for revegetation projects as it is a fast grower.

Attracts bees, prefers full sun and free draining soil. Is frost tender.

2m x 2m


Ackama rosifolia (Makamaka)
Pittosporum colensoi
from $6.28
Myrsine australis (Matipou)
Plagianthus divaricatus (Shore Ribbonwood)
Fuchsia excorticata ( Kotukutuku/Tree Fuchsia)